📄️ Quickstart Guide
If you're new to Infer, you can sign up for a free trial account, no credit card required.
📄️ Projects, Views, and Queries
Creating a project, a view, and a query are the three main steps in completing any analysis in the Infer platform.
📄️ Best Practices: Selecting the Right Data for Machine Learning Analytics
Selecting the right data for various types of machine learning analytics—such as PREDICT for predictive modeling, CLUSTER for segmentations, FORECAST for time-series analysis, or SENTIMENT for sentiment analysis—is essential for deriving actionable insights. This guide aims to arm your analytics team with best practices for identifying which data may be relevant, enabling you to operationalize machine learning for transformative growth directly on the Infer platform.
📄️ Custom Analysis
Infer offers suggested analyses using Coworker AI, which constructs the view and query required to do the analysis.
📄️ Trial Experience
Explore the features and functionalities of Infer during a free 14-day trial period. This guide will walk you through what the trial includes, how to sign up, and what happens after the trial period is over.
📄️ Enterprise Experience
Discover the full power of Infer by choosing our Enterprise Experience. This guide will elaborate on what an Enterprise account entails, how to sign up, and what's included in your enterprise contract.